Mission Statement
The Friends of Arlington’s Great Meadows are committed to the protection and stewardship of this valuable natural landscape with the participation of members and town officials of the communities of Arlington, Lexington and the surrounding region.
The agenda for the Friends of Arlington’s Great Meadows focuses on three main areas: educational activities, natural resource management, and conservation/legal issues.
Encourage visitors to report conditions
Trash collection
Invasive plant control
Trail maintenance
Larger projects
FoAGM Meeting Information:
The Friends of Arlington’s Great Meadows Steering Committee typically meets several times a year on an as-needed basis. If interested in learning more about the meetings please send email to: info@foagm.org
Other information:
Contact FoAGM
Donate to Arlington’s Great Meadows
Arlington Great Meadows receives donations via the Arlington Land Trust. To make a donation, please go to the Arlington Land Trust membership/donation page and select FoAGM.