Volunteers with the repaired and capped post in the foreground (Photo by Greg Shenstone – 11/8/24)
The Finger Marsh boardwalk near to the bikeway across from the Waldorf School was constructed twenty years ago and has been showing signs of age with its somewhat wavy appearance. This is because some of the support posts have rotted out. Fortunately, this is not an extensive problem and can be remedied with some restorative carpentry. One section was repaired a few weeks ago.
Then just last week another section was repaired. The first step was to fill the cavity in the rotting support post with epoxy to protect and restore it. Once that hardened a team of stewards jacked up the boardwalk platform and put in new support braces. This will make a safer walking experience and hopefully will last for a while. Although other repairs will likely be needed as the structure ages.
Thanks to Greg Shenstone, Bruce Neumann, and David Markun.